I am an assistant professor of finance at the Gies College of Business at UIUC.
I received my PhD from UCLA Anderson School of Management in 2019.
My research focuses on financial intermediation, asset pricing, financial market liquidity,
and public finance.
Download my CV.
Sequential Search for Corporate Bonds
(with Benjamin Lester, Sébastien Plante, and Pierre-Olivier Weill)
Journal of Finance, conditionally accepted
slides | NBER WP | NBER Digest
The Marginal Value of Public Pension Wealth: Evidence From Border House Prices
(with Darren Aiello, Asaf Bernstein, Ryan Lewis, and Michael Schwert)
Journal of Financial Economics, accepted
slides | NBER WP
Investor Demand, Firm Investment, and Capital Misallocation
(with Xu Tian, Yufeng Wu, and Jaewon Choi)
Journal of Financial Economics, accepted
Inventory, Market Making, and Liquidity in OTC Markets
(with Assa Cohen, Benjamin Lester, and Pierre-Olivier Weill)
Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 222 (2024), 105917
published version | presentation video by Pierre-Olivier Weill | slides
The Incidence of Student Loan Subsidies: Evidence from the PLUS Program
(with William Mann)
Review of Financial Studies, vol. 36 no. 4 (2023), pp. 1621–1666
code | published version | summary in Forbes
Corporate Bond Liquidity during the COVID-19 Crisis
(with Benjamin Lester, David Lindsay, Shuo Liu, Pierre-Olivier Weill, and Diego Zúñiga)
Review of Financial Studies, vol. 34 no. 11 (2021), pp. 5352–5401
Internet Appendix | code |
slides |
published version |
presentation video (1h:10-1h:40) |
Heterogeneous Intermediary Asset Pricing
Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 141 no. 2 (2021), pp. 505–532
Internet Appendix | data | slides |
published version |
Erratum (due to publisher error)
Xavier Drèze Award for the most outstanding research paper at UCLA Anderson
Liquidity and Risk in OTC Markets: A Theory of Asset Pricing and Portfolio Flows
(with Juan Passadore and Dejanir Silva)
Revise & Resubmit, Journal of Finance
slides | presentation video
Conferences: SaMMF, SFS Cavalcade, SITE, MFA
Why is Stock-Level Demand Inelastic? A Portfolio Choice Approach
(with Carter Davis and Jiacui Li)
Revise & Resubmit (second round), Journal of Financial Economics
NBER LTAM presentation video by Carter Davis | slides
Conferences: NBER LTAM, AFA, MFA, Maryland Young Scholars, UConn Finance Conference